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Midwifery Services

Currently accepting birth clients in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties


As a Midwife ….

I provide quality holistic, compassionate healthcare and counseling through all the stages of a woman’s life.   I devote myself to the contemplation and integration of the spiritual wisdom inherent to the human body and rites of passage of childbirth for all members of the family. I honor my role as a keeper of the body of knowledge regarding the miraculous world of a woman’s body and share this knowledge freely.


I empower women to find her unique voice, innate power and build communities, our modern day villages, as a way of thriving as individuals and families


I give my clients informed consent and protect a women’s right to choose how and what she does with her baby and body.   I am a stand for her transformation and the overall wellbeing of an intact family unit.  I work diligently to keep myself as a neutral partner in her experience and consistently do my own interpersonal work to continue to hold this neutrality.  The foundation of these relationships is trust, honesty and transformation.


Preconception and Fertility Counseling:

A  program of pre-pregnancy counseling includes fertility awareness, nutritional counseling and conscious conception support.  If necessary I can provide blood tests and other diagnostic measures helpful for optimizing your fertility health. 

Birth Services:

I believe birth is much more than just a physical process. It is also a new soul entering the world. This is an enormous transition for the entire family. I believe birth can be honored as such while providing quality medical care, support, patience and understanding. Midwifery is much more than an unmedicated home birth. Birth is a normal physiologic process that unfolds optimally when a woman feels safe, unwatched and uninhibited.  I believe in undisturbed birth.  I believe that when we intervene in birth we also disempower women. Birth is a rite of passage, a powerful journey ripe with opportunities for transformation.  

I provide holistic, preventative prenatal, birth and postpartum care for you and your baby. I integrate alternative and western modalities with an extensive understanding of herbs and nutrition as well as prenatal and perinatal psychology. I offer informed consent for all standard tests and procedures. I then empower you to decide for yourself what is most appropriate for you.

Prenatal Visits:

Your care follows the same schedule of traditional obstetric appointments. Each prenatal appointment is an hour in length to ensure that a solid, trusting relationship is developed between your family members and myself, your care is thorough and personalized, and all of your questions and concerned are addressed. We will focus on nutrition, stress management, and pre and peri-natal psychology to support you and your growing baby in having the healthiest and most well rounded pregnancy experience possible.  If your planning a hospital delivery I can also provide you with individual prenatal visits to supplement your care with a physician.

Home Birth:

Birthing in the comfort and convenience of familiar surroundings provides the optimal welcoming environment for both mom and baby.  I provide individualized labor, birth, and post partum care in the comfort of your home.



Water Birth:

I  specialize in water birth.  Most women experience both physical and emotional comfort laboring in warm water.  A portable birthing pool can be set up in your home at no additional cost.

Postpartum Care:

After your baby is born your care continues six weeks postpartum to ensure the well-being of you and your baby. I  can also provide you with individual postpartum home visits to supplement your care with a physician.

Newborn Parent Support:

Im on-call for you and your baby 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may be having during the six-week postpartum period.

Well Woman Gynecology:

As a midwife I can provide all basic gynecological care including pregnancy testing, PAP smears, birth control, breast exams, vaginal and urine cultures, and confidential HIV and STD testing, as well as natural remedies for PMS, menopause, and other women’s health issues.

Whatever your preconception, prenatal or postpartum needs are, I'm committed to bringing you the most well-rounded, professional, and compassionate care available. All of my services can be personalized into a package that meets your individualized needs, so that you and your family feel empowered and, supported, and that this major life transition happens with the greatest of ease wherever you choose to deliver your baby.

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