Birthing the Midwife within me
I am birthing myself yet again. I just endured yet ANOTHER heartbreak. This one...has cracked me open in many surprising ways...I have...

Mini mid life crisis
So its 2 weeks before my 42nd birthday...and something in me...started screaming...what the hell are you doing?? What is this life...
The best father's day ever and more letting go...
Writing a public blog is so interesting(I have been private with my blogs for years now), left to my own devices I would reveal so much...

40 and Blyss was born...
Since I was a little girl I have always wished for another always bothered me that so many girls around me shared the same...

A quiet restlessness in spirit...
For the last few days I have had a quiet...discontent. Its hard to explain a nothingness...not a void but a clam...but at the same time...
Everyday Lessons
So when your a mom of three...somedays are just business as usual. One could assume that there is nothing to learn or grow from these...
The Hard Lesson of Really Giving Your Life Over
Recently I have been reconnected with a friend of sorts...I referred to him in another blog as Magical Man. It has been about a year...
Bringing it all together
So I had two previous about being a business owner and one about my search for my life partner. I haven't written in either...